Building the EU cancer and public health genomics platform

Unleashing the power of Public Health Genomics and Diagnostics for All: synergies between public health and genomics are possible and necessary for the optimal benefit of patients and citizens.

A new approach

Cancer is now being targeted through a novel integration of genomics in clinical care and public health, known as CAN.HEAL. As the name suggests, this is bringing unprecedented power to bear in tackling and solving the challenges that cancer poses to patients, their relatives, and the population at large.

CAN.HEAL Sharepoint

Single sharepoint for all project partners: share content and knowledge to empower teamwork. Quickly find all information about CAN.HEAL project.

Follow the key steps towards establishing recommendations for initiatives in the EU health system that will further improve the access of individuals and patients to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer through personalized medicine.

Get familiar with Can.Heal project outcomes that will support the development of effective cancer prevention strategies and policies and implement personalised medicine approaches for all cancer patients in Europe.

Get to know the project in which 17 EU Countries joined to address two of the EBCP’s initiatives: ‘Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All’ and ‘Genomics for Public Health’. Genomics has become increasingly relevant in cancer medicine.

Latest news & events update

Can.Heal will participate at the European Society of Human Genetics Conference in June
Working towards joint understanding in Europe of the benefits of linking policy and novel care options

Can.Heal General Assembly Meeting

Internal meeting. Rome, 27th - 28th April 2023.


Can.Heal: Stakeholder Session

Propelling Health Care through Public-Private Partnerships The scope and potential of public private partnership in healthcare care are often under-realized because of resistance to change.

About us

Who we are

Can.Heal project brought together 42 partners from in 17 countries. The institutes represent 17 medical hospitals (of which 12 are Comprehensive Cancer Centres), 15 universities/research institutes, 6 public health institutes, 4 patient and stakeholder organizations, and one representative of the Ministries of Public Health.

What we do

The CAN.HEAL consortium recognises that prevention, diagnosis and treatment should be approached in a concerted way for optimal benefit of patients and citizens.  We wish to set the framework for integrating the Genome of Europe biobanking initiative into public health genomics for cancer.

Coordination & Communication

Lead Institution:
Sciensano, Belgium

Project Coordinator:
Marc Van Den Bulcke, Sciensano

Project Management:
Els Van Valckenborgh, Sciensano

Project Communication:
Denis Horgan, European Alliance for Personalised Medicine