WP14 Healthcare system implementation
objectives: WP14’s primary purpose is to create recommendations to assist public health authorities in implementing personalized approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment within the EU healthcare systems. Evidence and mapping analyses completed in various WPS will be synthesised in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the most recent research advances in personalised approaches […]
WP13 Training and education
Objectives: We aim at laying the groundwork for a training platform that will address multiple challenges and training needs and literacy of healthcare professionals, patients and the general public. By providing specific education and training for health workers, we hope to advance the implementation and increase the use of genetic testing in oncology. Additionally, we […]
WP12 Law, ethics and citizen engagement
objective:Developing legal, ethical and trust frameworks for clinical and public health cancer genomics. The primary focus of WP12 is on developing legal, ethical and trust frameworks for clinical and public health cancer genomics. With the shift towards routine genomic sequencing in healthcare and prevention contexts, there will be significant opportunities to re-use this data beyond […]
WP11 NGS including Liquid Biopsy
Objectives: This working package is focusing on implementation of NGS-based and liquid biopsy assays in clinical practice. Our aims are establishing a quality management system for NGS-based clinical assays and standardizing assay-reporting outcomes to facilitate data harmonization across the EU. We will develop recommendations, guidelines, and best practices to move the clinical implementation of NGS […]
WP10 Oncology Decision Support Tools
Use cases: cBioPortal, DIGICORE, oncNGS, HARMONY, BALLETT, GERSOM, EOLUNG objectives: The primary goal of this WP is to optimize and harmonize tools for data integration (genomic and clinical data) and decision support (MTB and treatment) in order to speed up and standardize the process of diagnosing and treating cancer. This will be accomplished by mapping […]
WP9 Treatment and follow-up
Objectives: Aim of this working package is to evaluate the clinical value of Comprehensive Genomic Profiling (CGP) in “real-world” practice for offering more therapeutic options to cancer patients and a broader access to precision oncology. We will evaluate the feasibility of implementing a fully standardized CGP wet-lab performance, data analysis, clinical interpretation, therapy recommendation and […]
WP8 Diagnosis and treatment decision via MTB (molecular tumor boards)
objectives: Non-standardized variant interpretation and many simultaneous mutations in the cancer genome cause therapy inconsistency and injustice. With the growing number of targeted medicines approved in oncology for the same reason and the complexity of tumor profiles, molecular screening programs have been further incorporated in clinical routine to simplify access to matching therapies via Molecular […]
WP7 Prevention and early detection
Objectives: A shared EU vision for how to combat cancer as early as possible in the clinical history will be developed, and the Damocles’ sword of minimal residual disease that weighs on patients’ and their families’ heads will be addressed. When tools are needed for selective therapy intensification in high-risk patients or treatments that have […]
WP6 Building Clinical utility
objectives: Clinical utility typically refers to the usefulness or utility of a finding, practice, or technology for clinical or medical objectives. WP6 will provide a map of clinical utility evidences for cancer, as well as evaluation metrics. To illustrate the clinical utility of Public Health Genomics (PHG), we will pilot and assess clinical value for […]
WP5 Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) and Decision Support Tools
WP5 aims to develop recommendations for a genomic risk assessment report for physicians and genetic counsellors that they could use in selecting treatment options for the cancer patient and for genetic counselling in general. The use cases in this work plan are breast, prostate, colorectal cancer and melanoma. WP5 will include:
WP4 Biobanking – Genome of Europe
objectives: WP4 aims to establish an inventory of available genetic datasets that may be used to evaluate genetic risk prediction methods in specific populations through a consortium-wide survey (e.g. in an EU country where this has not been done). Local validation initiatives will serve as templates for the survey questions that must be posed. The […]
WP3 Evaluation
Objectives: O3.1 to assure and evaluate that the CAN.HEAL project is implemented as planned and it accomplishes the objectives defined. O3.2 to assure that the produced knowledge and outcomes meet high-quality standards, are appropriately disseminated and communicated, and have a relevant impact on the ‘Genomics for Public Health’ and ‘Cancer diagnosis and treatment for all’ […]
WP2 Communication, dissemination and outreach
Translational Stakeholder Policy Platform for Communication, Outreach and Dissemination objectives: Using this framework, WP will: WP2 is primarily concerned with communication, dissemination, and outreach. Creating a stakeholder coordination group, as one of the primary goals, will engage and align a diverse range of European and global stakeholders and ensure the provision of operational feedback to […]
WP1 Project management and coordination