Pushing the agenda in the field of cancer – EAPM ready to respond

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Announcement: European Parliament Cancer Event on February 7th:  Pushing the agenda in the field of cancer – EAPM ready to respond

Brussels, January 24th, 2023: Greetings all, the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine will be holding an event in the European Parliament entitled ‘Early Diagnosis unfulfilled – Propelling early Diagnosis into the twenties for Cancer Patients’ on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 from 11.30 – 13.30 CET.

This neatly coincides with World Cancer Day which is taking place a few days earlier. Here’s the full agenda as well as the link to register  The agenda is attached also.

A core focus of the meeting will be breast cancer with the subject of biomarkers and the event will cover such important issues as their role in the diagnosis of cancer, testing for biomarkers in relation to patient access and potential availability of therapies, plus reliability and accuracy.

Also up for discussion will be the current limitations of biomarkers, the use of centralised databases, and advice that is, or should be, given to patients prior to biomarker testing.

These topics will be placed against a background of expected developments in the field of molecular diagnostics over the next five years years.

As ever, the EAPM event in the European Parliament will showcase different objectives which both the public and private sector can support, with a view to allowing the EU to present a common objective in relation to the implementation of the EU Beating Cancer Plan. The event will take place in a focused format to allow concrete issues to be tackled and to have a dialogue with our policymakers.

Speakers will include: European politicians (MEPs), European Commission, patients representatives, medical professionals, healthcare planners, insurers and member state representatives,

Spaces are limited so please register HERE as well as click HERE to view the agenda.   For those that register, a follow up email will be sent if you do not have an access badge to the European Parliament.

Key Issues addressed

The problems of tackling cancer are, like the disease itself, many-headed. Increased scientific understanding reveals ever more profound complexities in the manifestations of cancer and the mechanisms behind it. 

Rapidly advancing technology offers an ever-increasing range of new and potential tools to diagnose and treat in a more personalised manner, wherever the battle is joined.   Rising attention to and provision of public healthcare is leading to expanded and more sophisticated efforts for screening at-risk populations and caring for the growing numbers of survivors and the difficulties many of them face during continued monitoring and even after successful treatment.  In parallel to the strictly health-related issues, the costs of cancer – in terms of direct costs in diagnosis and treatment, and indirect costs in working lives lost or reduced by disease and by care – present a major challenge into their own right, to the individuals and families affected, but also to the collective and to public health systems.

 Similarly, the organisation of care systems, the investment in infrastructure to enable advanced care, the continuation of support for cancer research (including into why some populations are more susceptible than others to particular cancers), and the conduct of large-scale targeted screening are the consequence as much of policy debates and political decisions as the response to scientific or health issues. Still more widely, as the link between cancer and environmental conditions of populations become more clear, even broader social considerations relating to matters as diverse as air pollution or housing come into play. 

To participate in the European Parliament event on February 7th, please register by clicking HERE and please click HERE to view the agenda. 

For more information, please contact:  

Dr. Denis Horgan, PhD, LLM, MSc, BCL
EAPM Executive Director,
Chief Editor, Public Health Genomics
EAPM, Avenue de l’Armee/ Legerlaan 10,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Ph: + 386 30 607 281
