WP14 Healthcare system implementation

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  • To have a full understanding of the research advancements and of the effectiveness, the clinical utility, key success factors and gaps of current personalised approaches and their potential to be scaled up 
  • To support Public health authorities with a coordinated, harmonised and comprehensive research strengthening their capacity in implementing personalised and sustainable approaches.

WP14’s primary purpose is to create recommendations to assist public health authorities in implementing personalized approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment within the EU healthcare systems.

Evidence and mapping analyses completed in various WPS will be synthesised in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the most recent research advances in personalised approaches in terms of the efficacy and therapeutic value of current approaches, new technologies, and data privacy issues.

The evaluation will emphasize the perspectives of patients, HTA, and caregivers, in that order. Using appropriate and user-friendly tools, a digital platform for longitudinal data collection in the various case study sites would be developed to meet the patients’ expectations and encourage their involvement. In addition to addressing ethical and privacy concerns, it will be necessary to establish and implement training courses for users of various sites.

The WP14 concentrates its outputs on generating recommendations for the implementation of personalized methods into the EU health system. These recommendations will be generated using a co-creation approach that ensures a significant engagement of stakeholders.