- Building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics platform (CAN.HEAL)
- Run pilots (use cases)
- Apply wet lab tools
A shared EU vision for how to combat cancer as early as possible in the clinical history will be developed, and the Damocles’ sword of minimal residual disease that weighs on patients’ and their families’ heads will be addressed.
When tools are needed for selective therapy intensification in high-risk patients or treatments that have curative intents, patients with highly prevalent cancers will be enrolled in clinical trials.
As hereditary predispositions for cancer sometimes manifest in a family, inherited (germ line) and acquired (somatic) alterations will be searched for in tumour tissue, leukocytes and blood plasma using NGS panels and highly personalised liquid biopsy. Our goal is to encompass from primary to tertiary prevention in the earliest applicable settings, and determine the best strategy for execution, integration, annotation, harmonisation and reporting.
An EU-wide consensus on how to combat cancer as early as possible in the course of clinical history will be developed, and the Damocles’ sword of minimal residual disease, which hangs over patients’ and their families’ heads will be addressed.
In clinical trials in the adjuvant setting, such as when tools are required for selective therapy intensification in high-risk patients, patients with highly prevalent cancers will be enrolled.
When a hereditary predisposition for cancer manifests in a family, families may also be at risk. This is why we will simultaneously look for somatic (acquired) and germ line (inherited) alterations in leukocytes and tumour tissue. We will test circulating nucleic acids because both types of alterations are also released in blood plasma (liquid biopsy).
Both newly created targeted NGS panels and highly individualised liquid biopsy will be used. From primary to tertiary prevention will be covered in the earliest applicable settings. The optimal execution, integration, annotation, harmonisation, and reporting plan will be chosen.